1.     What is meant by one act play?
one-act play is a play that has only one act, as distinct from plays that occur over several actsOne-act plays may consist of one or more scenes. In recent years, the 10-minute play has emerged as a popular subgenre of the one-act play, especially in writing competitions.
2.     What is a soliloquy? And give examples.
soliloquy (from Latin solo "to oneself" + loquor "I talk") is a device often used in drama when a character speaks to himself or herself, relating thoughts and feelings, thereby also sharing them with the audience, giving off the illusion of being a series of unspoken reflections. If other characters are present, they keep silent[2] and/or are disregarded by the speaker. Soliloquies were frequently used in dramas but went out of fashion when drama shifted towards realism in the late 18th century.
Good examples in literature can be seen in the character  of Iago in Shakespeare's Othello.
Shakespeare’s soliloquies contain some of his most original and powerful writing. Possibly prompted by the essays of Montaigne, he explores in his greatest tragedies the way someone wrestles with their private thoughts under pressure, often failing to perceive the flaws in their own thinking, as in the great galloping I-vii soliloquy (‘if ‘twere done when ‘tis done…’) in which Macbeth unconsciously reveals through his imagery his fear of damnation but fails to realise what really holds him back from murdering his king: simply the fact that it is wrong.
3.     What is a Monologue?
 The term soliloquy is distinct from a monologue or an aside: a monologue is a speech where one character addresses other characters; an aside is a (usually short) comment by one character towards the audience, though during the play it may seem like the character is addressing him or herself.
4.     What is the difference between a Soliloquy and a Monologue: A monologue might be delivered to an audience within a play, as it is with Antony's speech, or it might be delivered directly to the audience sitting in the theater and watching the play. But a soliloquy — from the Latin solus ("alone") and loqui ("to speak") — is a speech that one gives to oneself. In a play, a character delivering a soliloquy talks to herself — thinking out loud, as it were — so that the audience better understands what is happening to the character internally.
5.     What are the elements of drama or one act play?
B. Plot and Plot structures
C. Characters and Characterization
F. Suspense and Atmosphere

Drama is a literary composition to be acted by players on a stage before an audience. Its successful portrayal depends on the cooperation that must exist among writers, actors, producers and audiences in accepting the limitations and the conventions of the stage. Since the turn of the twentieth century, modern drama has become the greatest form of mass entertainment in the western world. Experimentation and innovation are basic to this century’s dramatist. Through movies and television, everyone has experienced the excitement and emotional involvement that gives the drama its important place in our lives today.

7.What are the Chief Characteristics of an one act play?
(i) One-act play is a play that has only one act, but may consist of one or more scenes.
(ii) One-act plays are usually written in a concise manner.
(iii) It deals with a single dominant situation, & aims at producing a single effect.
(iv) It deals with only one theme developed through one situation to one climax in order to produce the maximum of effect.
(v) It treats the problems of everyday life as marriage, punishment for crimes, labor conditions, divorce, etc.
(vi) The one-act play, like the longer drama, should have a beginning, middle & an end.
(vii) Action begins right at the start of the play.
(viii) There are no breaks in the action, that is, it is continuous since it is a short play; no intervals.
(ix) Everything unnecessary is to be strictly avoided as the play is short & the action takes place within a short period of time. (x) The creation of mood, or atmosphere is indispensable to its success.
(xi) There are three dramatic unities which are observed in the one-act play. The unities are —- the unity of time, unity of place & the unity of action.
(xii) It aims at simplicity of plot ; concentration of action & unity of impression. It does not rely on spectacular effects & common dramatic tricks of old.
(xiii) The characters in a one-act play are limited in number. Generally, there are not more than two or three principal characters.
(xiv) The attention is focused on only one or two salient aspects of character & they are brought out by placing the characters in different situations & circumstances.
(xv) There is an influence of realism. The characters in the modern one-act play are ordinary men & women. It depicts characters that seem to be real & related to everyday life.
(xvi) It must present a question, for which the audience eagerly awaits the answer.
(xvii) Its language is simple & can be followed without any strain. All superfluity is to be avoided in the dialogue. The dialogue must be purposeful; every word is to be carefully chosen & sentences must be compact & condensed.


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